Acropora question


Just got a nice acropora in about a week ago. Since going in the tank, I have noticed that about 3 or 4 of the branches of the cluster have turned white, and I'm not seeing a lot of the polyps coming out. This was a mail order, and I was wondering if loosing a few of the branches is something to be expected, and it should recover in time? I figure the white areas arre dead, but how to prevent further loss? My numbers are all right on, and I do have the coral towards the botom of the tank, and was thinking about moving it up higher for better lighting. Should this help? Tank's not that deep to begin with and I figure it's getting plenty there. Have attached a pic for help as well. Thanks
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I would think you don't have enough lighting in your tank to support it or your levels might be a little off. I would move it up and start checking your calcium and alkaline readings to ensure they are good.
What type of lighting do you have , how big of a tank etc?


Active Member
Most acropora like the most intense light you can give them. Hopefully you have the right lighting.
You may try moving it up in the tank. It all depends on the type of lighting you have though.


Active Member
If you don't have MH lighting then it will probably not survive the bleaching.
They also need proper nutrition(ie Marine Snow).
What are your water parameters?


Water parameters are fine: ph: 8.2, Am/n/n:0/0/0, Ca:430 Alk 3.0, SG: 1.022 temp 78F. The lighting is all vho, mixed superactinic/white, same set-up that my buddy has who has had acropora thriving and growing in his tank for the past 6 months. (set up a month or two before mine) I do agree that I didn't have it close enough to the light source, so it now occupies a higer spot in the tank, about 3 inches from the surface. We'll see how it does. Thanks for the advice folks, it's MUCH appreciated.