

Could I keep acropora in a tank that gets around 5 watts per gallon if I keep it near the top?


Active Member
Acro needs more than light, they are most sensitive to flow and water conditions. True acro need high light, but thats only part of the recipe.
They need high calcium, and while everyone say "Duh" to knowing they need 400 cal and blah blah blah, thats really a difficult thing to just drop into while keeping everything else stable if your used to keeping simple softies and so on.
Sorry I cant answer your question with a more clean answer with such limited info about your set up and exp base. The 5w per Gallon is only a rule of thumb, its not the defining factor for SPS long term success. IMO
Good luck with your addiction if you decide to go SPS.


Well what I am thinking of doing is also making a nanoreef that I want to put Acro in and I was thinking of stacking LR sorta high in the tank(tank would be probably 5 gal.) and I would have about 25-30 watts going, with probably one of the power heads that move or a maxi-jet that moves 160 gal. per hour.
Hope that helps answer my question
And I was thinking about maybe staghorn, or other easier types.


Most SPS, including Acros will not due well under PCs, which I am assuming thats what you have planned for this tank, they really need MH, imo.

aztec reef

Active Member
sps is a little complicated specially in such a small tank, yeah the watt per gallon is just a test book rule but when it comes to sps is all about intensity such as t5's and mh being the best. it's not imposilble to have with pc's but hallenging.IMO it's not the best for the acros, i would start with softies and see where that takes you.