Acrylic Tank


I'm new to this forum but not aquariums. I've had cichlid tanks for about 4 years now and want to get into saltwater. I'm going to try to build a tank with acrylic and currently doing research on that. I have a couple questions, I want to have a built in sump when I build it, so what do I need in the tank for holes and such? I dont know much about the sump filters, are there any good diagrams to follow? Also, Where can one buy acrylic sheets?


Active Member
Usuall a sump is seperate from the tank and is located in the stand below. Any particular reason you want to have it in-tank?
If you check out garf dot org you can find some pretty helpful acrylic DIY pages.


Sorry I meant I want the overflow to be in the tank not the sump when I build it. I am basically looking for what plumbing I would need. From what I've been reading I would need a hole for outlet and one for inlet. I'm not sure what and intank over flow looks like though.


So where does one get 3/8" acrylic for a decent price? Would like to get if pre cut to my dimensions too.


Active Member
I'm fortunate to have a custom plastics place in town that cut it to size for me... other than that I really don't know.
Home depot/Lowe's may have it in sheet form but not precut.