acrylic vs's glass


Well I know not to far off into the future I will be getting a larger tank. Minium 180 gallon. What are the differences between the two? Postives and Negatives?


Glass- heavy Acrylic- light. Acrylic clearer but scratches. Glass if scratched can't be helped, acrylic if scratched could be buffed out. The bigger tank you go most people go with acrylic due to weight. IMO if you going with 200 gallon or higher you should go with an acrylic. 180 is borderline, you could go either way. Also the price differance between glass and acrylic the higher you go (gallons) is not that much. That's about all I could add.


Active Member
You can drill acrylic yourself. Thats a plus. Also you could build your own tank, or you could find a local hobbyist and have them build the tank for you, at about the same price as glass. If you have kids who constantly want to touch your tank, go with glass.