actinic? metal halide?


I have a 10 gallon tank, and want to by a hood that has two bulb facets (it also has the biowheel, etc all together if you know what type hood I'm talking about). The lfs suggested a standard white fluoresence and an actinic. I almost positive it would have 30watts. This sounded good at the time, but after checking some posts here, it seems low. Would this light set-up support lower-end energy requiring inverts like mushrooms, leathers, and polyps. And can anyone tell me the differences, or advantages/disadv. of actinic vs. metal halides?
I don't care to get big time lighting for anemones just yet. Not until I master easier things like the leathers, and shrooms.
Just in case it matters my aquarium contains:
9lbs lr
1 perc clown
1 yellow tail blue damsel (soon to be evicted)
2 turbos (soon to be 1)
2 nassarius
1 emerald starfish


If you just want some shrooms and other low lights then a coralife 28w 50/50 would be nice. Should be able to find one quite 30-50 bucks.


Thanks for the info. I found the lights your talking about for slightly more than $30
Another question: Right now my light is a single straight tube, with two prongs on each end. Would the light you mentioned fit. And do the measurements mean the width of the aquarium (ie 20" light)? Because my 10 gal is 20" wide, but my light is approx 17" long.