add a flamehawk???


Hey just wanting some opinions on flamehawks?
I have a clown and a cleaner shrimp and want a hippo later and a mandarin in the future. I've read that the ritteri's anemone will host flamehawks and was concerned he might try and fight my clown for his BTA.


Anemone's do not host to hawkfish, only clowns.
You may want to watch out for the cleaner shrimp though. Hawks are known to go after smaller inverts like that.


The flame hawk is the coolest and does not mess with my coral banded shrimp. If you get a small flame Hawk (2-3 Inches) he should be fine, and fun to watch. He will occasionally swoop down on the other inhabitants but he doesn't do any damage when he gets there. Just a poser. I never heard of needing a host anemone for the flame hawk. He seems happy with flake as well.


A flame hawk will often enough perch on corals using its' fins to look out for food and/or predators. They will do just fine without any corals by perching on rocks in your tank. I have a cleaner and bought a small hawk. He's a pleasure to watch and is non-aggressive towards the other fish, crabs and my shrimps.


I have a flame hawk in my tank with 2 cleaner shrimp and a coral banded. No problems. The only problem was when I tried to add a few small (about half the size of the hawkfish) peppermint shrimp to the tank. They turned into an expensive meal.


I found this quote about the flame hawk.
"It eats small fish and shrimp, and uses the anemone Heteractis magnifica for cover, and swims within the branches of hard corals."