That's what i thought, but i also have clownfish and small damselfishes.
Here is my current list of fishes:
1 Lionfish
1 yellow tang
3 blue tangs
1 powder blue tang
1 emperor angel
1 bluefaceangel
2 snowflake eels
2 girdled eels
1 clown trigger
5 assorted damsels
1 tomato clown
1 spanish hogfish
1 greenbird wrasse
1 threadfin butterfly
and 1 porkfish that is going to be returned soon because it is getting too big. My clown triggerfish is very docile, I have never seen it chase any fish around and even occasionally gets chased by my tomato clown. (weird tomato clown - only chases my trigger around). So still a good idea?
ps I don't maintenence this tank,I only stock it because my parents hired somebody to take care of it
They don't think i can handle it!