add rock after cycle


I have a 90g tank that in getting to the end of its cycle with a 5" DSB and 50lbs live rock. I would like to add more live rock (slowly) i know because of mini cycles. how would I go about adding new rock. what is about the min. of lbs I can add at a time. If I buy rock that has never left the water how would I add it. I get me rock from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
thanks all


If the rock is cured go ahead and add as much rock as you want... If the rock is not cured put the uncured rock in a rubber maid with your protien skimmer on it untill it doesnt smell funky.....


New Member
Go to ***************.com and purchase your live rock from him. The price is extremely cheap and the rock is fully cured and shipped overnight (very cheap shipping cost). I bought 20 lbs from him and there is no smell and my ammonia levels increased by about .1ppm. You can add this rock without a cycle. Also, after two days of placing this rock in my tank, I found several corals and zooanthids. This rock is very lively and clean.


Active Member
If your tank hasen't completly cycled anyway I would go ahead and add all you want now. Just buy cured live rock and you should be fine. On another note I have a 90g too and have 90lbs of rock in mine and I think it's just the right amount. Just something to think about.