Added another clown..


New Member
I added another percula clown yesterday. Though they were slightly (emphasize slightly) aggressive yesterday, both have just been hanging out today not seeming to bother one another. Both are eating normal (or what i guess is normal for the new one). Theyve only been in the tank for one day but anyone think they will get along ok?


Active Member
When introducing two clowns they will do a little roughing up to show who is the dominant one . Hopefully the new on is smaller than the one you already have .


Active Member
If one is bigger than the other they should stop within a day or two . They should just be chasing each other around . If you see pieces of fins missing might want to seperate them for a while and try again .


Well I had ordered a pair of maroon clown but one was doa so I put the lonely guy in and then went to my LFS and ordered a second... when he arrived a week later the firt one was PIST.. the new guy was all trying to rub up on him and he went off and started chasing him and nipping at him and after about 15 minutes of this I freaked out thinking one whould die and placed the frist fish in a second 30gal tank in my house and went and got a new pink tip for that tank and everyone is happy but i did want them together.. should i try this again???


Active Member
Was the second clown smaller that you introduced to the tank ?
If the second was bigger or same size they will fight till death , especially maroons .


Active Member
the first clown has established his territory, so i'd take him out and put the new one in there to get use to the tank. then put them together after a week or so. i've also heard of using a hamsters ball, this way the kind of get use to each other and can't nip at each other.
also, there is no need for an anemone. both an anemone and a clown can live without each other.