added live sand today


I mixed saltwater in my tank and it has been running for a week. I added 120lbs ls today, water is cloudy will it cause a problem if I run my system? I have a sump, bioballs and skimmer. Cured lr is due here any day but I'll probably have to re-cure it due to die-off. I'm so lost, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

sinner's girl

the cloudyness will settle, you can run your pumps and stuff, add the lr to your tank when you get it, it'll help cycle the tank.
At least, I know you can run filter...don't know about skimmers...but you don't need it yet anyway.


New Member
Ok, let's "clear" things up for you. Run your sump and pump from the minute you have a tank. Aeration and water movement are prime contributors to a successful cycling process. Also, you SHOULD run a protein skimmer as soon as possible, this will help clear up the water and process all the dying material in the water. It is very important to get that flow across your newly curing rocks.