Added lobster should I change feeding habits?

I've had a miniatus grouper, & v. lion. I just recently added a spiny lobster. All fish/invert are about 7-8 inches in a 55 gallon (i know too small, got a 125 just waiting on the house we are buying to close). I've had the 2 fish for almost 3 years now and I feed them shrimp and formula 2 every other day. Now that i've added the lobster is every other day good enough? The fish are used to to it (seem to remind me on feeding day), but could they maybe try to eat the lobster? She finally quit stealing the groupers hole and is staying in her own. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!


Hey michelle9491,
Tough to say, but I'd think your fish are so used to getting their food from you for 3 years that they'll be fine. I've kept a purple lobster w/ 2 dwarf lions (one is about 4.5") for about 3 weeks now and they don't bother each other.