Added new fish


New Member
I just added Percula clowns, 1 citron clown goby, and 1 blond naso to our tank. These are the first fish we have purchased. All seem to be doing fine, except for the goby. At first he just sat at the bottom, which is normal. Now he has turned upside down and evidently is dead. I followed the acclimation procedure exactly. Any suggestions as to what may have gone wrong?
Also, we have 3 blue damsels. One seems to be aggressive towards the new fish. Is this normal to act this way at first?
the first 3 fish you have added... how long were they at the LFS before you broght them home? were they doing fine there?
and yes it is normal behavior for blue damsels to be aggressive...the one that is picking on the others is probably the more dominant


New Member
I'm really not sure the length of time. But they were doing fine.
Will the damsels injure the other fish? Do they need to be seperated?