adding a 2nd clown later



My local pet store told me that it is almost impossible to add a 2nd clown fish after one has already been aclimated. Is that true?


No, I never had a problem w/ mine, many say you can not add more than 2, but my 3 are happy as can be. I added them in separately. :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by katieb
No, I never had a problem w/ mine, many say you can not add more than 2, but my 3 are happy as can be. I added them in separately. :notsure:
3 clowns fish... might be a pronlem in the futre they will pair up and maybe gng up onm the odd one out.
if you dont already kn ow this i will say it..
when you buy clownfish one at a time and they are still youn g and juvenilles they have NO ---.
when you buy a 2nd one will become the masil and one will become the female. this is determined byt he sizes so if you add a send make sure there is a size difference so pairing up wont be a probnlem.
im not sure what happnes if they dont pair because the are kept seperatly. do they have a ---.. im not sure but find a size diference when you buy a 2nd,

im no expert so dont quote me a 100 percent but can a little bit


Active Member
Originally Posted by katieb
No, I never had a problem w/ mine, many say you can not add more than 2, but my 3 are happy as can be. I added them in separately. :notsure:

Eventually 2 will gang up on the third and kill it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mi5
My local pet store told me that it is almost impossible to add a 2nd clown fish after one has already been aclimated. Is that true?

Make sure the new one is smaller


i used to have one marron clown, than i added another one, and the new one ripped the other one to pieces, i had to take the small one out after the other one almost nipped all his fins off

royal gang

Active Member
i think you should get them at the same time cuz they will settle in together and therell be no conflicts about territory


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Eventually 2 will gang up on the third and kill it.

i know this is the norm, but in the wild there are usually groups of clowns, with one female and one mated male, with the others there just incase something happens to one of them. is it because they are in confined waters and simulated oceans that this happens?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i know this is the norm, but in the wild there are usually groups of clowns, with one female and one mated male, with the others there just incase something happens to one of them. is it because they are in confined waters and simulated oceans that this happens?

I honestly don't know the answer to that.


Active Member
I added a smaller maroon hoping to mate it with my larger one, big mistake, the big guy would have killed the smaller one if he hadn't knocked it senseless so i could net him out, he surely would have killed the little guy.


Active Member
Clowns will live in groups with one dominant female and one dominant male and the others are subordinate males..constaintly joining the harem once emerging from wherever they hide to grow after hatching...
If the dominant female dies or somehow leaves, then the dominant male will turn female and the next male in rank will become the new mate....this can also work in a large enough tank with a proper host to keep the harem together...
A clown that is old enough to be sexualy active will change to a female if left alone for about a week or so...So be carefull adding others in with it. They must be males or else the females will fight...
Females can not change --- after they have became female.