Originally Posted by
No, I never had a problem w/ mine, many say you can not add more than 2, but my 3 are happy as can be. I added them in separately. :notsure:
3 clowns fish... might be a pronlem in the futre they will pair up and maybe gng up onm the odd one out.
if you dont already kn ow this i will say it..
when you buy clownfish one at a time and they are still youn g and juvenilles they have NO ---.
when you buy a 2nd one will become the masil and one will become the female. this is determined byt he sizes so if you add a send make sure there is a size difference so pairing up wont be a probnlem.
im not sure what happnes if they dont pair because the are kept seperatly. do they have a ---.. im not sure but find a size diference when you buy a 2nd,
im no expert so dont quote me a 100 percent but can a little bit