Adding a 2nd Tomato Clown is it possible??

I was wondering if I could add a 2nd tomato
clown to my tank. Or will the tomato clown I already have try to kill it??LFS has had a small about 2in Tomato for 2 weeks on hold and person changed mind. Looks great is eating good no signs of illness I thought since it is about 1in 1/2 smaller than mine they would pair up.


Well,usually if your going to put 2 clowns together it is better if you put them in at the same time.How big is your tank?


From what I have seen Tomato Clowns are some of the more aggressive clowns, I have a friend that tryed to do the same thing and it ended with the first one almost killing the new one. I think the only way it might work is if you added them together. I think you would be takeing a big chance. Good luck


Well, I have a large (4 inch tomato clown) and two (2 inch and 1.5) perculas. Overall, they get along great and basically ignore each other except when it comes to their anemones. When it come to their prized possession, they get a little defensive of their territory and chase the other off. I've never seen them do anything harmful with the exception of an ocassional tail nip. But it also depends on the size of the tank...I have these three only in a 55 gallon. I'm sure it also depends on their individual personalities. Each fish has been exposed and is predisposed to different behaviors, so I'd suggest trying it out, and if it doesn't work, return something. I also added these three at the same time, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. Hope I could help!! :)


Well, I have a large (4 inch tomato clown) and two (2 inch and 1.5) perculas. Overall, they get along great and basically ignore each other except when it comes to their anemones. When it come to their prized possession, they get a little defensive of their territory and chase the other off. I've never seen them do anything harmful with the exception of an ocassional tail nip. But it also depends on the size of the tank...I have these three only in a 55 gallon. I'm sure it also depends on their individual personalities. Each fish has been exposed and is predisposed to different behaviors, so I'd suggest trying it out, and if it doesn't work, return something. I also added these three at the same time, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. Hope I could help!! :)


I have a 4inch Maroon clown. I added a 1 1/2 inch Maroon gold stripe. It has been 3 weeks and they are doing fine. No agresion towards each other, no fin nipping or anything. The little one swam right up to the big girl. (He looked like "Hey Babe!") She checked him out. That same night the blue damsel chased the little one and the big one wennt after the damsel. :D
I have them in a 125g. It worked for me, I hope this helps you..
Shel :D