Adding a blue damsel?


New Member
Hi I have a 2month old 7 gallon tank. I currently have a mandarin goby, a clown fish 2 snails,2 hermit crabs, a flowe pot, a feather duster, and some polyps. I wanted to add a blue damsel but, I want to make sure that all 3 fishes will get along. The mandarin goby and the clown fish are getting along well.
Thanks Duckmyter

tru conch

Active Member
i would skip the damsel. in a 7 gal two fish is PUSHING it as is. some people say that a 10 gal is the minimum for keeping fish.


New Member
I had the mandarin for a month and had no problems with him he enjoys going around the tank eating of the live rocks. I have read post that they are very hard to keep but no problems so far. It is a very beautiful fish.


I wouldn't put any more fish in there, period. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> Especially not a blue damsel! Mean little buggers.
And what's the mandarin eating? Do you have plenty of copepods, or are you lucky enough to have found one that will eat something else?


dont suck yourself into the horrible life of damsel fish keeping. save yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!