Adding a Fuge


I currently have a 72gal, drilled, with a sump below that has bioballs, protein skimmer. I had planned on making a refugium in the middle of the sump, but now I think it's way too small plus splashing/salt creep would be a problem with lighting.
So, the plan now is to set up a seperate fuge. Here's what I'm thinking about doing:
1. Split the return tube that runs from the utility pump in the sump to the display tank. Put in a valve after the "T".
2. Run the new split into the fuge. Have it come out near the bottom on one side.
3. On the other side of the fuge, drill a hole near the top where the water will overflow out. Run this line to the input side of the sump.
The way I'm doing it, the fuge is basically set up like a second display tank.
My questions for those reading:
A) What do you think of this design?
B) Where can I get suitable hardware? I plan on getting a cheap tank with light kit for the fuge, but where can I get the hardware to insert into the drilled hole, the T-valve, a nozzle for the feed into the fuge, etc?
C) Any other suggestions/thoughts?
I want to make an attractive fuge, with fancy plants, maybe a crab or two, clams, etc. The goal is to use up nutrients so hair algae doesn't grow in the display tank. Also, it will give me a place to put any hermit crabs that are becoming too aggressive to keep in the display. I might even transfer the damsel there too, because I can't part with him but he's too much a bully to keep in the display any more.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MaxSmart
I currently have a 72gal, drilled, with a sump below that has bioballs, protein skimmer. I had planned on making a refugium in the middle of the sump, but now I think it's way too small plus splashing/salt creep would be a problem with lighting.
So, the plan now is to set up a seperate fuge. Here's what I'm thinking about doing:
1. Split the return tube that runs from the utility pump in the sump to the display tank. Put in a valve after the "T".
2. Run the new split into the fuge. Have it come out near the bottom on one side.
3. On the other side of the fuge, drill a hole near the top where the water will overflow out. Run this line to the input side of the sump.
The way I'm doing it, the fuge is basically set up like a second display tank.
My questions for those reading:
A) What do you think of this design?
B) Where can I get suitable hardware? I plan on getting a cheap tank with light kit for the fuge, but where can I get the hardware to insert into the drilled hole, the T-valve, a nozzle for the feed into the fuge, etc?
C) Any other suggestions/thoughts?
I want to make an attractive fuge, with fancy plants, maybe a crab or two, clams, etc. The goal is to use up nutrients so hair algae doesn't grow in the display tank. Also, it will give me a place to put any hermit crabs that are becoming too aggressive to keep in the display. I might even transfer the damsel there too, because I can't part with him but he's too much a bully to keep in the display any more.
Should work just fine,You should be able to get all your plumbing supplies at Lowes,Home Depot,Menards.... with the exception of the bulkhead.You can find bulkheads at some LFS or online.I dont know what burb your in but there is a LFS in Plainfield that sell bulkheads,i think its Exotic Aquatics or Go Fish Aquariums in Orland Park.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Should work just fine,You should be able to get all your plumbing supplies at Lowes,Home Depot,Menards.... with the exception of the bulkhead.You can find bulkheads at some LFS or online.I dont know what burb your in but there is a LFS in Plainfield that sell bulkheads,i think its Exotic Aquatics or Go Fish Aquariums in Orland Park.
Hey, I thought of something. What do I need to do to keep the return hole from getting plugged with plant matter? If a plant got sucked in and plugged the drain, it would cause a flood! Should I make multiple holes with multiple drain tubes?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MaxSmart
Hey, I thought of something. What do I need to do to keep the return hole from getting plugged with plant matter? If a plant got sucked in and plugged the drain, it would cause a flood! Should I make multiple holes with multiple drain tubes?
A egg crate wall should work.