Adding a Leather - Need Opinions


I am ready to add another coral to my 120 reef and was thinking about a leather - With so many choices - are some more hardy than others? - It seems some are very colorful and others seem to just be brown blobs and are less attractive. Just looking for some opinions. . .Thanks


Active Member
I've always like toadstools. Not overly colorfull, but always seem to look really good. I also like the yellow leathers, especially this one (I think it's a yellow devil's hand):

the toadstool:

If either of those pics belong to anyone on this board... hope you don't mind me borrowing them. I just wanted to show examples of what the corals looked like.
i always liked green trees(forgot scientific name). they are just hard to come by. toadstools are nice to. i love mine, but it is up to you, almost all leathers are hardy, and the choices are almost endless.