adding a lionfish?

ok just wondering if this would be completely stupid or not. ive got a 72 gal bowfront tank with 2 true percs, cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp. also have xenia and ric, star ployps and zoos. my lfs has a small lionfish my clowns arent small enough to fit in its mouth. would it be stupid to add it. i want to add a yellow tang and some gobies before im done stocking. any input is appreciated.


Active Member
it might eat the shrimps when it gets older. other then that, its ok. they also produce lots of waste, so keeping ideal water condition could be harder.
good to know i was just worried about adding order of the fish. i need to upgrade my cleaning crew anyhow, i added some nass snails the other day to help. thats great news!


If you want a lion fish in your reef you might consider a fuzzy dawrf lion as they do not get very large and are usally great colored.