Adding a Porcupine Puffer


i am thinking about adding a porcupine puffer that is around 4" to 5". It will be going in a 240 gallon tank with the following fish. Black Hawaiian trigger, Niger trigger, 2 x snowflake eels, barred eel, and a few damsels. Now the Hawaiin is the biggest at about 8" to 9". Would this combo be ok? I am just a little worried about the Black Hawaiin because he can get a little mean.
Thank you


I just added a small porcupine about 4" to my tank with a small niger trigger and humu humu, and he is doing fine. the two triggers have yet to even bother him. he just floats around. One thing i found interesting though is the puffer is much more active when the lights go out.


I had a 6" humu humu in with my porc puffer in a 125g I ended up taking the trig out as it ate 3/4 of my porc puffers tail and nipped at my lion... Triggers are quite nippy and with the slow moving puffer it may or may not work.


Active Member
They should be ok. Just be prepared to remove it if you see any signs of aggression. A big tank like that should help avoid any territorial issues.