adding a second ocellaris


i have one that's very agressive toward my small blue damsel. will the clown accept another of his kind without too much trouble?


Active Member
What size tank? Keep in mind that damsels and clowns are in the same family. Think of a clown as a damsel in a tuxedo


Active Member
Originally Posted by PissyFish
i have one that's very agressive toward my small blue damsel. will the clown accept another of his kind without too much trouble?

absolute best way to avoid this is to first quarantine the new addition. take the old clown out of the tank and into the quarantine tank for a few weeks while putting the new addition into the display tank. this removes the original clown's sense of territory.


i have a 30 gal. i didn't know they were in the same family. i guess my research wasn't intensive enough.
the blue damsel absolutely loves my clown... but the clown hates him! no violence though...just charging at him.
thanks for the advice!