Adding a sump pump??


I am looking to add an external pump to my sump. How can i go about drilling the hole into my sump and how can i regulate the flow of water through the sump?? I am afraid it will suck the sump dry and was wondering if i could valve off the new pump to regulate how much water it actually pumps back. Any info or personal experience would help!


Thats a good question, i'm not quite sure because it is siphon based. It varies depending on how high the box is above the water line. I wish i knew!!!


Active Member
What brand overflow is it ?
How large is the diameter of the U-Tube ?
What is your sump made of ? Acrylic ? Glass ?
There's no mystery to the pump/overflow/sump balancing act.
What goes up must come down. The water will either come down the through the overflow and drainline - or it will come down the sides of your tank.
Knowing the rated water flow capacity of the overflow is not just nice to know - it's crucial when sizing everything else up.
If you had a picture it you could post here that may help - but knowing the manufacturer would be even better.


Broomer, the system is a Del Rey 125 and the U-Tube is 1" in diameter. The sump is acrlyic as well. Could I possibly use a larger U-Tube to up the flow to the sump and new pump???