Adding a tank


I need help with a plan to add a 50 breeder to my 75g reef setup. I have a 14" sfe that has begun to knock all my coral down and I want to put him in the 50 under my 75. My problem is that I want to link the two aquariums but havnt the slightest clue on how to properly do it. If anyone has any plans or suggestions feel free to share.


Active Member
Easiest way is to use an overflow box and drain to the bottom tank and a return pump in the botton to pump water back to the top tank. Just as if it was a sump.....


Can I use a canister filter to some how do this? I have an extra one that I can use. What do you think will happen if I put a splitter in the intake hose and have it pull from both tanks at once? I need more ideas and plans if anyone has any, please help my sfe needs to get into his new home already. :happyfish :help: