Adding Anemones


New Member
I have a 40 gallon tank with 50lbs. of live rock. A Flamehawk, Coral Beauty,And A Maroone Clown. I was thinking of adding anemone to the tank.Which kind would be best and will it hurt the other fish?


Before adding an anemone, you should know that they need intense lighting. Normal flourescent bulbs will not cut it. Don't get a white anemone, they are a sign of decline.
For a Maroon clown, a Bubble tip is their natural host. Give it good lighting and feed it several times a week - chunks of white ocean fish, scallops, shrimp.


well, just because an anemone is white doesn't spell it's death sentence. i've recently taken on a white BTA in an effort to try to save it. with patience, proper lighting and water chemistry, it is doing just fine and i expect it to fully recover. i guess the moral of the story is....never count an invert out unless it's dead! :)