Adding another occelaris clown??

noah's ark

Hello all, A few quick questions.... A have a single occelaris clown for a little more than a year and all he ever really does is hang out in the back corner. He comes out to eat and has grown and looks good but could he be lonely or just his personality? Is it too late to add another just like him and maybe they would hang out? I really want a clown or two thats out and about. Maybe I need to start with two new ones at the same time? I DUNNO!!

Please give me some advice!!


just add a new ocellaris that's much smaller. after a little aggression, they should get along well. read some of the threads in the clownfish forum to see what to expect while they're getting used to each other.


Active Member
How about adding a GSM when you already have a GSM? Is that riskier since they are so aggresive?

noah's ark

Originally Posted by mryoung7
just add a new ocellaris that's much smaller. after a little aggression, they should get along well. read some of the threads in the clownfish forum to see what to expect while they're getting used to each other.



Originally Posted by puffer32
How about adding a GSM when you already have a GSM? Is that riskier since they are so aggresive?
i mean, they will probably fight more at first but they should adapt to each other after a while as well. my gsm's did.