Adding another Perc--yes or no?


I currently have one true percula clown. I'm upgrading my lighting system and getting an anemone in the next month or so. I have plenty of room in my tank, and I love that little clown fish. I know different species tend to squabble, especially as they mature, but what about adding another percula? The one I have now has been in the tank for about four weeks. Is there any way to predict whether they will hang out together, or at least not fight? Should I get two anemones? I wish I would have bought an established pair, but you know, woulda, coulda, shoulda.


Really? I would have thought to get a bigger one. I'm glad you said. Just out of curiousity, why is that? Won't he be more likely to be picked on as the newbie? Or is he not a threat to the old clown if he's smaller? Thanks for the info.


Active Member
a smaller one will not have had the chance to turn female, and the one you have in your tank is probably already female.


Active Member
Just to add to the previous post...
Clowns all start life as juveniles, neither male or female. Then the dominant clown, most often the biggest, would turn female and the second biggest turns male. Once a female, always a female. 2 females will fight. They can't change back.
And let's just say the female of the pair dies, then the male would move up to become the female, and the clown under him turns male.


I read all that about the fish changing sexes, but for some reason the lines didn't connect in my tiny little brain. That's pretty cool information, thanks!
Incidentally, I put a little perc from my dad's tank (I didn't have to quaratine!!!!) in there, and right now it's sort of mellow. The bigger one sort of followed it around and flared up a lot for a while, and even chased it once or twice, but once the lights were out, they went to opposite sides of the tank. The newbie didn't eat when I fed--is this typical of a trasnferred fish? I think it was for my others, but to be honest I can't totally remember. Other than that, "he" looks great.
Thanks again!


Active Member
I'd just like to add, make sure its a perc you add in the tank and not an ocellaris--or vice versa if the one you have in your tank is an A. Ocellaris. :notsure: