Adding Anthias


I am looking at adding a school of 7 to 9 Lyretail Anthias. My question is how many should i add at a time? And do you start with the females and then add the male last?


I believe you can add all females and one will change --- and assume control of the harem. As far as how many how fast that's a tough one,how large is you tank? I'll let the others post replys on how many to add at once. But I'd say 4 or 5 should be ok.


They are going into a 135 with a Purple Tang, Hippo Tang, 6 Line Wrasse, Bangi Cardinal, Fire Golby, and a Coral Beauty Angel. I have had bad luck in the past with adding to many to fast but usually was with bigger fish than the anthias.
its not really about the size you add its the change to your bioload/bio filter. Personally I would do no more than 3, and if your going to add that many defintly use a QT to be safe.


Active Member
I had a single lyretail super female for 8 years. There is no chance that many anthias will fit into that size tank. Not that species anyways. Go for something smaller, albeit I skimmed by your stock list to see what it's tankmates would be.
I'm not talking on the terms of bioload. That's just too small of an area for that species of anthias.
Yeah 7-9 lyretails in a 135 is a bad idea. I seriously doubt all of them would make it long. I'd add them all at once, but I would just do a few at the most. I added all 5 of mine in my 180 at one time, but they are really small.



Originally Posted by mitremark
I am looking at adding a school of 7 to 9 Lyretail Anthias. My question is how many should i add at a time? And do you start with the females and then add the male last?
Bad Idea. My wife & I added 4 females and 1 male to a 90. The male knocked off all of the girls. HE
is doing fine still over a year later. I would do all girls, and limit it to 4 or 5. Add them all at the same time.