Adding bubbles to sw 75 gal tank?


hello, i have a 75 gallon hexagon sw tank. i was told to add a pump at the bottom with bubbles to help with adding oxygen to the bottom of the tank since it is higher then most tanks? i have a wet dry filter and a power head half way down in the tank to help with the circulation. any thoughts? thanks, brian.


Active Member
First off Welcome... I wouldn't use any kind of bubbles in a sw tank. The majority of your gas exchange happens on the surface water. Even if you put bubbles on the bottom they wouldn't help the gas exchange until the reached the surface... They also cause salt creeps and I've heard it stresses the fish.
Good circulation is very important and you also need to use some power heads to agitate the surface water... This is where your gas exchange will happen.
The wet/dry filter will all so help with the gas exchange.
set up powerheads - one pointing to the surface to generate ripples and better oxygen exchange, and another powerhead pointed downward to push the oxygen rich water towards the bottom of your tank


great tips, i will do as you guys mentioned, i appreciate it very much. i do have a protein skimmer which will be hooked up tomorrow. i left it unplugged during the cycle stage but the time has come. i also will add another powerhead. thanks, brian.