adding calcium for LR/coraline growth?


Active Member
I have been reading mixed opinions on this subject, some say dose, others say dont dose.
They had seachem reef calcium on sale for 4 bucks at petsmart and picked up a bottle.
The instructions/directions say it will not affect levels, ph, etc.
What do you guy's think about adding calcium for coraline growth or the subject in general?


Active Member
Calcium, akalinity (sp) and ph all kind of tie in together and one effects the other. Most product will state that they work best if used in conjuction with the other.
IMO I wouldn't dose for anything without knowing what your current levels are for each thing you want to dose.


Before you proceed, get a calcium test kit, first thing. It appears all you have in the tank is LR? If this is the case, generally, regular water changes with a good buffer product (like Kent Pro Buffer DKH) will suffice. As you start to add coral loads to your tank, you will probably want to start dosing your system weekly, biweekly, or even daily. Also, dont forget that most all inverts (snails, clams, tubeworms, etc.) all use up calcium.
I've had problems with Seachem products, especially buffers. IMO Kent products are better. You get what you pay for. Dont skimp on additives for your tank, when your spending big bucks on the livestock. The number one rule in this hobby is water quality comes first.


Seems like everytime I add the Seachem Calcium I get a algea outbreak. I'm not gonna use it anymore. Has anyone else had that problem with that product?


Active Member
I have a fowlr, was just gonna dose to give the coraline on the lr a boost.
I have a test kit, has ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph (all fine).
I need to get one for calcium and prob alk


Active Member
I use it in sopme of my tanks and its fine. I prefer thre 2 part ESV B-Ionic for dosing the tanks with much better. I canhold a perfect PH, alk and cal level now that I got the doses and theuse rate figured out and the stuff looks good. But as another stated. Do not dose anything untilyou get a test kit and see what your levels are now. And whatever you put in the tank as far as supplements you need to test for it.....if the product is not good enough to put whats init on the label so yu know what your adding, its not wise to add it. There reallay is not any top secret recipies out there but some companies woul dlike to have you think they have one so do not list any ingredients.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmjordan
Calcium, akalinity (sp) and ph all kind of tie in together and one effects the other. Most product will state that they work best if used in conjuction with the other.
IMO I wouldn't dose for anything without knowing what your current levels are for each thing you want to dose.
This is absolutely the right thing. We need to know your calcium, alkalinity-- very important for corraline , and your ph levels. I personally do not dose with anything, I am a firm believer of water changes, if even a small one. The good salt mixes have everything in them that you need to have a flourishing tank.


Originally Posted by dmjordan
Calcium, akalinity (sp) and ph all kind of tie in together and one effects the other. Most product will state that they work best if used in conjuction with the other.
IMO I wouldn't dose for anything without knowing what your current levels are for each thing you want to dose.
Agreed, well said

And Sam, I use Seachem Reef for my 120reef, but Tropic makes an awsome salt for reef or FOWLR's IMO. The Seachem put my Ph right at 8.4, and calcium right at 450.. and stable so far


Originally Posted by CGRANT
what seachem do you use?
Reef complete, reef calcium?
I use SeaChem Reef salt mix, not complete or calcium additives. They have both the marine and reef mixes, both are well but the "Reef" mix contains higher lievels of calcium, magnesium, and strontium, as well as a good number of trace elements.
I used the reg. marine salt mix when i had the 75g. but im attempting the reef this time in the 120
so far so good.....


Originally Posted by SaltFan
If you just want the coralline to grow, why not just go with Purple Up?
You can use the PurpUP to increase calcium levels in the tank to promote coraline growth, but many will argue (including me) that if you keep your calcium at optimum levels for a reef (420-450) it will do the same thing
I have no additives in the tank right now and coraline is spreading like crazy
on a daily basis


Active Member
Why use and buy purple up when maintaining proper levels of akl, cal and ph and sg will produce the same results andnot cost you anyhting extra.
As to the best salt mix......well thats really a loaded question among folks. Its like whats better Ford or Chevy......Nissan or Toyota? just get a salt mix and give it a try..if it works great, its certainly not going to harm anything, and yes its perfectly safe to mix brands of salt water in a tank.