Adding chemicals to tanks?


A buddy of mine picked up three 8oz bottles of KENT MARINE products for me. One is concentrated Liquid Calcium, the other is concentrated Iodine, and the third is Strontium Molybendum. He also picked up three of these little tablets that look like alka-seltzer called "Sea-Lab 28". Anyway, my tank is 20 days into its cycle and my Nitrates have already peaked - and my pH is only at 7.8. Should I use any of these products yet?
I have a 55gallon tank that I plan on making a reef tank. I will provide any other information if asked.


By the way, the only living things in the tank (aside from what came in on the LR) are 4 emerald crabs, 5 algae eating hermits, and 4 "reef hermits"
If your tank is still cycling then no. When your tank is cycled, you should only put additives in your tank unless you really need it. Otherwise you will end overdoing it and kill the livestock in your tank.
What do you mean by algae eating hermits or "reef" hermits? What do they look like? Are they zebras, bluelegs or scarlets?


Many of the trace elements such as iodine and strontium are replaced just by regular water changes. Without having accurate test kits, there is no way of knowing wheter you're overdosing your tank on such supplements. Some, such as the iodine, are actually poisonous if you overdose (which is easy to do).
You can add some Ph buffer to raise your ph. Other than that, you should leave the additives until you find a need to use them. A need, determined by test kits for that specific supplement.


The LFS told called the ones with reddish legs and antennae "reef hermits" - and said they'd eat stuff offa the live rock. The other hermits he said would eat algae... pics on their way...
PIC ONE - the ones the LFS said were algae eating hermits...


3rd pic - the "reef crab" (or that's what the LFS calls them) It may be what you all call scarlets? It's the top one...


Active Member
Daniel is correct. You get more than enough trace elements through your saltmix. There's no need to add anymore, other than Calcium, Alkalinity Buffers, or pH buffers. And as Daniel also stated, always test for it if you add it :)


I agree with Daniel and Graham. First off your tank is still cycling. IMO you will have plenty of time to bring your water parameters into check before adding fish etc. Also IMO try not to get into the habit of constantly adding additives. Sometimes it is unavoidable. IE calcium alk and possibly magnesium. Other then that get into the habit of frequent water changes with a good quality salt. I use IO. Most of your trace elements will be replaced with regular water changes. And I echo what graham said do not dose with any additives without testing for them first and then doing testing afterwards. Again I learned the hard way.


Active Member
Don't use any additives until you have test kits to see if they are needed/how much is needed.