adding clowns

I know that you are supposed to add one species at a time so that they dont fight each other but i was wondering in i put false perculas in my tank now will i be able to put some gold stripe clowns in later without them fighting?


maybe it depends how big ur tank is ive seen them before like this but im no expert so maybe someone else will chime in


Active Member
Originally Posted by lucascoatney
I know that you are supposed to add one species at a time so that they dont fight each other but i was wondering in i put false perculas in my tank now will i be able to put some gold stripe clowns in later without them fighting?
I sure wouldn't. Mixing clown species almost always results in one species surviving (I know, there have been exceptions). Gold stripe maroons are one of the most aggressive clowns; I'd never put any other clown in with one. Years ago, before I QT'd everthing and didn't know better; I had a big female maroon that killed a new maroon while it was still in the bag.