Adding color to FOWLR tank

I have a 30 gallon tank with about 25-30 lbs of LR, 2 Damsels, 5 hermies, and 1 Cleaner shrimp. Does anyone have any suggestions to add neat color and be more eye catching to the tank? My LR has patches of purplish pinkish but nothing really eye catching yet. My tank has been setup for a little over a month now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fade2black011
I have a 30 gallon tank with about 25-30 lbs of LR, 2 Damsels, 5 hermies, and 1 Cleaner shrimp. Does anyone have any suggestions to add neat color and be more eye catching to the tank? My LR has patches of purplish pinkish but nothing really eye catching yet. My tank has been setup for a little over a month now.

Mystery wrasse? a bicolor angel? neon gobies? clowns? those all might work.
Thanks guys. If you have any reccomendations for shrooms that would be great. All I have is a regular florescent bulb at this point.


Active Member
red or purple mushroom are pretty bullet proof..mine lasted through the cycle with no light, after that i had only 96w of pc lights(90g tank) and were doing very well..but did waay better when i got my Mh fixture which was about a month later....