Adding corals, anemones


How long should i wait to add corals and anenomes to my tank, everything is cycled and it has been running for a month or so.
Additionally once I get them how do I add a stinging anenome w/o getting hurt?
(I assume I don't use my hands...)


Active Member
Their stings wont bother you at all, I dont even feel anything when handleing mine, the only possible thing could be if you were allergic to them. Whats your lighting setup? Do soem research on all fo this stuff first.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Their stings wont bother you at all, I dont even feel anything when handleing mine, the only possible thing could be if you were allergic to them.
Not true. Many anemones, especially carpets, can send a human into shock.
You must wait at least 6 months for anemones, and 2 for corals.