adding corals???


how many and how often is a good rule of thumb when adding corals to an established tank with hardly any corals in the tank?

small time

try self control and add one at a time- check for spike of am. nit. etc
make sure tank can handle new bio load watch closely to make sure coral is adjusting polyps opening color good
give coral 2 weeks to see how the coral reacts to its new home
what kind of corals are you looking to add?
what is your tank equipment


i noticed all was good but nitrates a lil high, i havent done a water change since i added the 1 brain coral and anemone, thats all i have. i think ill do a 10 gal water change on my 60 gal.


While I do agree that you should only add one or two corals at a time to a tank, I've heard that they really do not have that much of a bioload and more, in theory, can be added at a time.


Active Member
rossim, that really is true that they don't have add a lot of bioload to your tank, but I always liked to tell someone beginning their reef tank so start adding only one or two at a time.



Originally posted by lion_crazz
rossim, that really is true that they don't have add a lot of bioload to your tank, but I always liked to tell someone beginning their reef tank so start adding only one or two at a time.

Agreed :)