adding corals


Do i have to acclimate corals attached to live rock from my 35 gallon to put in my 75 if both the tanks are the same ? Because some of the corals on the rock are to big to float in bags how can i acclimate them not in bags or do i just put them in the 75?


I just did the same thing moving corals from my 20gal to my 55gal. I kept the two tanks pretty close so I wasn't really worried about acclimating them. If you want you can take a 5gal bucket and place the rock with the coral attached and some of the tank water in and then use an airline hose with a knot in the end to slowly drip water from your other tank to the 5gal bucket. Good luck


MAny people don't ever acclimatise any corals. Sometimes it is just impossible to float a bag with a big rock and coral in it. If the water specs are close I'm certain it should be fine.


Active Member
I would say no, just make sure everytyhing is the same... temp, pH, salinity etc.
I would always acclimate corlas, some corals just won't make it without good acclimation.... clams, some sps and others.
It's very easy to do, I use the drip method. Just run one end of an airline into the tank, then tie off the other end so when the water siphons down it is restricted....and drips.
This is just about the best way I know of to acclimate corals.
~~~ Hey bondenaso, sorry didn't even completly read your post! I guess we agree on acclimation then :)


Active Member
Like everyone says if they are close then just drop them in. I personaly aclimate mine because I don't want to shock them. You could lose a $50 coral that way.


Active Member
i did the same when moving from a 75 to 135, just made sure that all the params were same and plopped em in. didnt lose a single one. i do think that it is important to acclimate all newly purchased specimens though!
good luck


Active Member
I acclimate all corals the same as a fish....over a course of an hour, adding water 4-5 times. Maybe i'm being a little extra careful?


Active Member
No not at all, actually for some corals that might not be enough. I would suggest the drip method over 2-3 hours. Nice and slow.