Adding Cured LR


Active Member
Are you picking it up from a LFS or is it being shipped? If it is being shipped to you, even overnight it will need to be RE-CURED if going into an established tank. If it is going in a new setup, it will kick start the cycle.


Active Member
I bought it at a LFS. It is in a baggie of the water from their coral/anemone/LR tank. I need to know the temperature of what it needs, too. I have mine up at 76 or 77 degrees, I believe.


Active Member
just plop it in. Think about high and low tide. Left exposed and then covered in a matter of no time. I just stuck mine in


Im kinda still learning myself. But I think your temp should be at least 80 and being it came right from your LFS I say add it right in there now. You may want to wait for a more experianced person to answer you too.


Active Member
Depending on how much you are adding and how big the tank is--If it is a few pounds in a 20 gallon tank, not so sure. But a few pounds in a 55 or larger, you should be fine. Over 15 lbs in an established tank I would want to know how long the lfs had the rock. The rock will go through a cycle when it is shipped.