adding fish and corals from old tank


I started my 75 gallon on 9/27/02 with 80 lbs of natures ocean bio-active sand it says instant cycling just add fish, 50 lbs of live rock and getting more within the next two weeks, the contents i have in my 35 hex which i want to turn into fish only is 35 lbs live rock, sailfin tang,bangaii cardinal,flame hawk,true percula clown,toadstool leather,devils hand leather,green star polyps,various mushrooms,serpent star, and a cucumber.the question is when can i start adding these items,what order,so i can keep the other tank running and when all transfer add differnt fish to old tank ?


New Member
It probably would be a good idea to put in the live rock first just to help out the cycling of the new tank. Then maybe wait a day or two to put the fish in. Just my two cents.

nm reef

Active Member
Thats a interesting question...personally I would let the new system complete its cycle before adding livestock from the 35.
You've got a few fish and corals that would be best to introduce into a stable / mature system. I'd say take it slow and give everything a chance to settle in gradually. I'd be concerned about stress and loss from adding everything to a new system too quick...but maybe thats just me.:cool: