Adding fish to a 125. Have a few easy questions.


I have a 125g tank and all that is in it is a 3ft zebra eel and a 3in maroon clown. I am thinking of adding about 8-12in's (2-3 fish) of fish to the tank. Do you see any problem with that? Will is mess up the bio in the tank? Should I do a WC first or will that make it worse? Its been awhile since last WC.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
The right thing to do is check how well things have been and then add one fish wait 3-4 weeks wile testing and see how it changes things when you hit the wall you will know it so take it slow and ether take that fish that is one to many back or expand the filter.

marine bio 101

Originally Posted by 125inTX
I have a 125g tank and all that is in it is a 3ft zebra eel and a 3in maroon clown. I am thinking of adding about 8-12in's (2-3 fish) of fish to the tank. Do you see any problem with that? Will is mess up the bio in the tank? Should I do a WC first or will that make it worse? Its been awhile since last WC.

Thanks in advance.
First of all what kind of setup do you long tank been setup? type filtration? protein skimmer? size pump? lbs LR & LS? Clean up Crew? If that is the only two specimen you can definately add more fish to the tank.
I have the same size tank with a maroon clown, naso tang, golden head sleeper goby, flame angel, BTA, emerald crabs, various hemit crabs, and snails. I have about 90 lbs LR 100 lbs LS, protein skimmer, and 20 gallon sump. I do about 16 gallon water change every 3-4 weeks. Water params are always right on. Make sure to keep up on water changes, especially if you are going to add more fish and increase bioload.