Adding fish to cycled tank.


I'm ready to start adding fish but I am not sure what to add first. I bought my friends 120 tank and his fish. I upgraded the lighting and I also made it a DSB. I really like a lot of the stoney corals and I also would like to have a couple of clams. Here is a list of the fish.
3 false percula clowns
1 PJ cardinal
1 damsel
1 flame hawk
1 coral hawk
1 coral banded shrimp
1 spiney urchin
Are all these safe with a reef? Any suggestions?


All of them are reef safe. The only thing that might not be compatable are the hawk fish and shrimps. I had added a hawk fish to my tank and my cleaner and peppermints never showed themselves.


Active Member
I would not get the urchin, they definitely eat coralline algae and I think everything else in their path. Also for clams and sps, you need excellent water quality a very established tank and very high lighting preferably Metal Halides.


Active Member
I agree with the urchin. I actually read a post somewhere where someone said they ate the powercord insulation on their powerheads.