adding fish


I just added my first fish last night, a royal gramma. Also added a skunk cleaner shrimp and they're both doing great. When can I start adding more fish? I'm wanting to also add 2 percula clowns (at the same time) and an eibli fish and probably a yellow-tail damsel unless I can find another blue fish that works well. So when can I start adding the rest?


Active Member
Finish getting your cleanup crew first. Buy your cleanup crew all at once and place in the tank "they make up such a small portion of the bioload you can place them in all at once". After you have the cleanup crew add 1 fish every couple a weeks. If your going to do the clown fish "and make a pair" add then bolth at the same time. Just buy two diffrent sizes get one that is bigger than the other.


yeah, I'm getting another cleaner shrimp and 3 peppermint shrimp. I just didn't want to buy both cleaners at the same time and risk them both dying. First addition to the tank that cost more than a dollar, didn't want to destroy it
But he's doing great so I think I might go pick up the other cleaner tomorrow if I have time. I think I'll name them Jacques and Pierre :yes: