Adding Fish


New Member
This is my second tank that I have started up. I started up my 30gallon about 8monts ago and everything is going GREAT. I started up a 50gallon on Saturday. I have got the salt levels and everything else perfect. I know that you are supposed to put the starter fish in exp. Dominoes or blue densels., But When can you add fish like Yellow Tangs? They said to let the tank cycle for 4weeks with the densels in it. The reason I asked about the yellow tang is because I also have a Mandarin Dragonet-Green and the Yellow Tang follows him around everywhere. They don't fight, but if the Mandarin is in the corner the Tang will get right up next to him and stay close to the ground until the Mandarin finally decides to move. Also at night the Tang tries to get under the rock with the Mandarin. I think its cool that maybe they are buddies, but the Mandarin never get to move around where you can see him because his buddie is right next to him. I really need to do something.
Crystal and Juan


First of all, you shouldn't cycle the tank with damsels... you should use LR or a dead cocktail shrimp instead.
Secondly, tangs need a very established tank to survive, as they much on algae and whatnot. I'd say the tank needs to be set up for at least 6-8 months, but a year would be better.
Thirdly, tangs need at leats a 75 gallon tank or higher, as they get pretty big, and need a lot of swimming space, so you shouldn't even have one at all, until you get that big of a tank. Sorry to bust bubbles.


New Member
First of all I appreciate you responding to my question, but you could be a little bit nicer the way that you say things. The owner of one of the top known aquirums in Dallas is the one that helped me set my tank up. I have not had any problems with my fish. And I cycled my first tank with the dansels and non passed away and so far I have added my fish and I have had them for about 2months and they have not passed away. Since you did not answer my question I wil wait for someone else to answer. Oh and by the way don't act like you know everything unless you do this for a living. We are all out here asking for each other opinions.
And If you read my first tank has been going for 8months


Active Member
Im sorry she was giving you great advice, but you stated she didnt answer your question...what was your question? are you moving the fish over to the 50 gal.? is this what the issue at hand is? what seems to be your question here?
footnote: as you stated she was trying to be Ms. Know-it-all? and that unless you own a fish store she shouldnt talk? I dont mean to sound harsh but there is a lot of very under-informed fish store owners, and also you help his pocket book doing this his way....I am not saying that is his sole purpose from you, but I think you should get a few more opinions on issues other than just what he says....
Oh and how is the mandarin? how long have you had him? and how much live rock do you have?


New Member
The Mandarin is doing great. I have had him and the tang about 2 months. The owner of the Aqurium has been in business for a long time. He installs and takes care of a lot of the big companys here in Dallas that have salt water aquirums. That is where I meet him from. He installed and takes care of the Custom 250 gallon salt water tank here at my office. He seems to know what he is talking about and I have always done what he said and I have never lost any of my fish. I currently have a clown fish, blue demsel, box ? puffier, yellow tang and some pink and yellow fish in the same tank with the mandarin. That is my first tank. I sat it up about 8months ago and added fish about 2 monts ago. The mandarin is pretty cool. He climbs everywhere and he likes to play peek a boo with you. If you go to one side of the tank he will run(swim) to that side of the tank and get behind the live rock and look around to see what you are doing. And whenyou are sitting on the couch he hangs out on top of the center rock and looks at you.


Active Member
ok still it remains what is your question, and why if you trust him so much do you come in here to ask?


Originally Posted by jdragunas
...Secondly, tangs need a very established tank to survive, as they much on algae and whatnot. I'd say the tank needs to be set up for at least 6-8 months, but a year would be better...
I believe this was the answer to your question... sorry, but i wasn't trying to be rude at all... :notsure: See, this is what happens when i don't use smiles...
I wasn't trying to be miss-know-it-all... i was merely stating my opinion of your situation... you shouldn't cycle a tank with damsels, because even though they may survive, it is a very painful experience. The high levels of ammonia, ates and ites burn their guills.
BTW, you really shouldn't have a tang in a 30 gallon tank... this is not my opinion, but a rule among aquarists...
Your 30 gallon tank is quite overstocked too... If this guy told you to put a tang and a puffer in a 30g tank, i would have second thoughts about listening to him. Puffers can get like 18" long...
hope i didn't come off mean again, i'm really a nice person...

sinner's girl

You can't have tangs in 50gl, so it doesn't matter when you can add it, because you can't add it. So what you need to do, is get a bigger tank, like 90 or 110 for your buddies. They really shouldn't be in the 30gl. You can move over your lr, some ls, and water from the 30 to the 55gl and that will lessen, eliminate your cycle time. If you can't get a bigger tank at this time, then once the 50 is ready, move over the tang. If you use the ls, water and lr from the 30gl, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Be sure to check your levels before adding fish of course.
Thirdly, tangs need at least a 75 gallon tank or higher,
Some tangs need need larger than 75gl, just thought I'd point this out.
Too many fish in your 30gl. Sure things are fine now...but they won't be fine forever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
You can't have tangs in 50gl, so it doesn't matter when you can add it, because you can't add it. So what you need to do, is get a bigger tank, like 90 or 110 for your buddies. They really shouldn't be in the 30gl. You can move over your lr, some ls, and water from the 30 to the 55gl and that will lessen, eliminate your cycle time. If you can't get a bigger tank at this time, then once the 50 is ready, move over the tang. If you use the ls, water and lr from the 30gl, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Be sure to check your levels before adding fish of course.
Some tangs need need larger than 75gl, just thought I'd point this out.
Too many fish in your 30gl. Sure things are fine now...but they won't be fine forever.
Easy Sinner's Girl, feelings will get hurt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CMALD1012
First of all I appreciate you responding to my question, but you could be a little bit nicer the way that you say things. The owner of one of the top known aquirums in Dallas is the one that helped me set my tank up. I have not had any problems with my fish. And I cycled my first tank with the dansels and non passed away and so far I have added my fish and I have had them for about 2months and they have not passed away. Since you did not answer my question I wil wait for someone else to answer. Oh and by the way don't act like you know everything unless you do this for a living. We are all out here asking for each other opinions.
And If you read my first tank has been going for 8months


ahhhh well... some people just think everyone's out to get 'em...


Active Member
you do also have to take in account that some people do not like to be told they are wrong, he/she was probably a little embarassed about the response they got, and probably hurt that they instilled so much trust into his/her LFS.....its ok, i hope everything works out well for whatever they are going to do...however this person should also take into account that this site has some very knowledgeable people in different areas and when combining this vast knowledge together, this is a very powerful and informative message board. please i urge whoever you are in Dallas, to consider this and take your bumps and move on and enjoy this hobby...I know its a bit overwhelming after you thought you were on the right pace, now being told that the fish you want to keep is going require several hundreds if not thousands to get there from the money you have already spent....good luck!!!!!!!!!! welcome to saltwater and message board...


Well I think that you are all nice AND helpful - you have certinately saved my fish (and money) on several occasions!!
Thanks again for all of the great advice
I have also found that there are a lot of self-proclaimed "experts" working at fish stores - at least here in PA.


That mandrine will starve to death as soon as the pod population is gone. they need a well established tank with lots of live rock for pods to grow. unless you have a fuge on that tank, it will have nothing to eat.


Just a side note a yellow tang in 30 is bad and i will agree with the people that tangs need at least 75 gallons or more but i have had a yellow in a 55 for over a year now and i would defend that to any tang police


i have to agree with crazyaqua, i to have had a yellow tang in a 55 for three years now i now he should not be in there, i bought the tank off of some guy who hade it running for a year and was moving he had it in there and he is still in there. it can be done but i do not recamend it they rell need more room and manderens should be considerd expert only they are verry beoutiful fish however are very hard to keep and feed


Active Member
Originally Posted by carshark
a little embarassed about the response they got, and probably hurt that they instilled so much trust into his/her LFS.....its ok, i hope everything works out well for whatever they are going to do...however this person should also take into account that this site has some very knowledgeable people in different areas and when combining this vast knowledge together, this is a very powerful and informative message board. please i urge whoever you are in Dallas, to consider this and take your bumps and move on and enjoy this hobby...I know its a bit overwhelming after you thought you were on the right pace, now being told that the fish you want to keep is going require several hundreds if not thousands to get there from the money you have already spent....good luck!!!!!!!!!! welcome to saltwater and message board...

I felt the same way when I got all set up and then ppl on here starting telling me how I shouldn't have used crushed coral
, but now I know. (still haven't switched over yet) BUT I have been warned. :hilarious


Active Member
I will defend myself from any tang police too!!!! I have a Yellow Tang in my 46 bow front and she is doing very well. I also have a Naso Tang in my 55 that is doing well too. Not saying I don't agree that they need more swimming room, but we are upgrading to a 125+ gallon in the spring cause we're gonna combine all the fish together in one large tank where everyone can be happy. :happyfish
And instead of taking my other two tanks down when that happens, when we get new fish, that's where they're going for a few month for observation before heading to the display tank. I also have heard that mandarin are hard to keep. My LFS even warned me ahead of time and cautioned about the feedings and all. My LFS aren't so bad after


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I felt the same way when I got all set up and then ppl on here starting telling me how I shouldn't have used crushed coral
, but now I know. (still haven't switched over yet) BUT I have been warned. :hilarious

yeppers, I got flamed for one thing if i remember, but it was for my own good, thats the point, thats what these boards are here least you know now, its your choice to do it or not... I use about 40lbs of aragonite, and 50 lbs of fine grade sand.. didnt use live sand, and still have the CC, they say not to use it, but I am also not about to crash my tank...