Adding Fish



Hello I have a 95 gal. corner fish only tank and have a lion fish about 6 in. and also a lunare wrasse 4 in. two 3 in. yellow tags and a snow flake eel what would be a good addition of fish to add? Thanks


i think you are already overstocked are you going to upgrade


Active Member
what kind of lionfish do you have? the sizes of them now dont matter as much as how big there going to get they may be tiny little things now but soon enough theyll all be huge and need a LOT of room i wouldnt so much say your overstocked but at your limit especially if its a volitan youve got!


It is a volitan lion so you think adding any more fish is not a good idea? Thanks


Active Member
well if you add anything MAYBE a smaller fish such as a damsel would be ok other than that idk youve got some pretty big fish in there that will need a lot of room very soon!


Active Member
The fish you have in the tank, right now, arent no, adding another fish isnt a good idea.


Active Member
i dont see it as a problem yes his tank is 5 gallons under what youd need for a tangs.. and the lion can be debated a LOT so yes its pushing it but imo its not too far off and the bioload depending on filtration of course.. is not all that much!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ams153
i dont see it as a problem yes his tank is 5 gallons under what youd need for a tangs.. and the lion can be debated a LOT so yes its pushing it but imo its not too far off and the bioload depending on filtration of course.. is not all that much!

Yeah, but it's a corner tank, which drastically changes things.


New Member
i had a volitan and it ended up eating my 3 in clown becareful. it would eat anything smaller than itself. it was even eating 4in gold fish. it was an experiment to see if it would eat it.