Adding fish


Active Member
I have a 561 and currently have just a buch of small fish. I have a large naso yellow and purple i am ready to add.
Think this will be ok in such a large tank or should I add them one at a time over the course of a month or two?
The tank has been up and running for 1.5 months


i disagree, tangs need alot of growth and algae on the rocks and quite an established tank, i would wait another couple of months

small triggers

Active Member
tangs readily take flake and sheets of nori also though without starving. I wouldnt see to much of a problem with it, and you will probably have some decent algae grown on your rocks in 2 to 3 months.


Active Member
i have a purple tang and foxface .both are large and my rock is 15 years old and i never see either one of them pick off the rock.
when i put some seaweed on the clip though they dont even wait till i get my hand out of the tank anymore to go at it.
as long as your water is good i would add the fish and make sure you get them some greens everyday.


Active Member
with that large of a system and as long as your tank is fully cycled now... you shouldn't have a issue adding both of the fish at the same time.. we normally add fish in small numbers due to ammonia spikes// i dont see these 2 fish causing a spike in such a huge tank. just be sure parameters are all perfect

saka bra

a tank that big, you shouldnt worry too much as long as you have good filtration. ive added 2 nasos, regal tang and angelfish in my 125g over the course of 4 days (it was kind of an emergency though) but I never had a big problem, other than a little ich. but it helped that I had 120lbs of live sand and 200lbs of live rock in the tank.