adding fish


New Member
in a new tank that's been up and running for about three weeks. i have already added to clown fish, and about to add to shark eggs next week; will my fish die? if so what is the right time to add any more fish if they sould die. :confused: :)


LionFish says.......
Well, I'm going to put this as lightly as I can. ARE YOU CRAZY? C'mon now, are you new to the hobby or something? Don't take this the wrong way but, if you are new you are going to have to learn about this hobby. Sharks can't go in a 150 especially if there is more than one. Your tank has to cycle before you do anything. Do you know your tank parameters? Like ammonia and nitrate? I think you may have jumped into this without a prayer on your side. All I can sya is that you can't keep sharks in a 150 and you need to make sure your tank is cycled. Read some books before you jump into this hobby.


Which fish are you talking about dying? Are you sure that your tank has cycled? I know that some people have cycled theirs in shorter time than the rec. 6 weeks but not sure about 3 weeks. Once the sharks hatch, the clowns will surely die. The sharks won't survive long in that size tank either. What species of sharks are they, do you know? What information have you collected on that species as far as feeding, size, min. tank size, water temp, etc... Are you using the clowns to cycle your tank? What else are you considering adding to the tank?
Have you tested your water and what are the readings?


Bamboo sharks for example need I believe 100gal or bigger. They grow to about 4 feet. Plus, all sharks are messy eaters so you would need a really good filtration system. Leopard sharks need a chiller because the come from colder waters. do you know what kind of egg it is.


LionFish says.......
Actually all sharks need a 300 gallon tank or more to live comfortably. And if youhave more than 1 you could be in trouble there. Also you cant keep triggers with them as triggers eat their cartilage. You should just take them back and give them a chance to live. You just don't know what you're jumping into with sharks. You may just have to learn the hard way.


Active Member
im in agreement w/ lionfish on this. take him back to the lfs. you can keep lots of cool agressives in a 150, pretty much anyone you want except sharks and rays. lots of really cool fish for there. take the shark back and get some credit for another fish. bo


New Member
how long do i have befor the sharks out grow the tank because i can always buy a bigger tank.


byron: sharks grow depending on how much you feed them and how hot your water is. The higher the water temperature the faster the shark will grow. It is good practice to feed bamboo cat sharks once every day when they are juveniles, but only 2 to 3 times a week when they reach about 14". Also feed them at night not during the day. And when you wake up in the morning clear out any uneaten food so the ammonia levels in your tank dont spike. If you have one shark egg it will live comfortably in your 150 for about 2 years. Maybe slightly less. Also make sure with those types of sharks to have lots of cover for them to hide under during the day. You also have to firmly afix any aquascaping you design in your tank so you don't accidently crush your shark. When they are full grown they will require a 240-350 gallon tank. If you do plan on having cat sharks in your tank, be careful about the tankmates you select for them. Many fish will peck the eyes out of your cat shark. Cat sharks have very small mouths and dont retaliate on aggressors like nurse sharks and wobbegongs do. You will also want to use sugar sand or live sand. DO NOT use crushed coral. The less sand you have the better. When laying substrate down for sharks you never want over 1" of sand. Any more than that and you can have serious problems with bacteria growing in the sand.
I can help you out with any information you need on cat sharks. I have 62 cat sharks and 9 different species of them.