Adding garlic



Can anyone explain why you add garlic to the food. Is it the taste of garlic just to attract the fish to eat or what is it??? Thx.:confused: :confused: :confused:


Active Member
This is JUST what I know, read, and have noticed. The taste/smell of garlic can entice new fish to eat, or maybe even a fish that suddenly stops eating to eat. Besides that, there is a benefit to adding garlic to the food as to help with the prevention of ich--it boosts the immune system to help fight off the parasite. To clarify, its NOT a cure for ich, just a preventative measure. HTH


O :eek: :eek: :eek: My friend added garlic to the food and his fish go crazy swimming around the tank for like half an hour. BTW, is the disease called ICH (I-C-H) or ICK (I-C-K)??? Or they are two different diseases???


Active Member
lol ivanfj, they are both abbreviations for the same parasite. I use Ich because it is spelled ichthyophthirius (yes I did look that up). But i guess Ick is spelled like we pronounce it, so whatever.
As to the garlic, it is worth adding IMO if just to see the tank go in a frenzy for food. When I add garic soaked food in there, EVERYTHING comes out looking for it, shrimp, snails, crabs, worms, and, of course, fish.


Garlic helps finiky eaters eat. They are attracted to the garlic smell. Also it helps build their immune system. Its in no way a cure but a preventative.


Active Member
lilbuddy, no, you add basically garlic juice. i know some people make it themselves, buy you can buy a bottle of it online or at a well stocked LFS for less than 10$.


You can also buy garlic cloves at the store and chop them up and soak the food in that. Its a little more potent.


i crush garlic, soak it in a little water from my aquarium for 24hrs. in the fridge. after 24hrs, take out the chunks of garlic from the water, keep in fridge. works well that way! very potent!!


Tehn before you feed do you just saok a pice of frozen food in that water that you made? If so for how long? Also do you crush just garlic cloves?


Active Member
the best to use, IMO is kyolic extract
it is concentrated, odorless and inexpensive, not to mention not oily either, plus less work.
since you only need to dose it a couple of drops every 2 weeks a bottle lasts forever(so it seems)and it keeps very well. You can get it at gnc and some other health food stores. Or if you want to pay a little extra, some LFS's and online stores sell it as a fish supply.


Do you saok the food in it? If so how?
Or do you just add some much to the tank. If so how much?
Thank You


Active Member
frozen or raw foods, put in a dish and add a couple of drops, let soak, then add some water and feed, if you have finicky eaters or some who need to be target fed, use a turkey baster and inject it to them.


Active Member
I use the MCcormicks garlic juice. 1 bottle will last about six months I take equal amounts of frozen brine shrimp, emerald entree. Let it thaw and add one cap of garlic juice with 1.0 mil of selcon. I mix it all up and refreeze it. I then just break off a chunk once a day and feed the fish. The amount will last me a week and it is unbelievable how healthy the tank is. the garlic is definately worth the few bucks it cost.