adding ggressive fish


I currently have a 145 FOWLR with a 4" clown trigger and a 6 inch Porc. Puffer. I purchased 6 inch kulwasser wrasse that is still at the LFS. I am certain there will be some resentment towards this latest addition. Just wondering what some methods are when adding agressive fish to agressive tanks.


seperate them with a screen in middle of the tank, or you could try a mirror at one side of the tank. Clown trigger would be busy attacking itself for a little while. If you have a quarintine tank, put your clown in there change around your tank a little. Then put your new guy in there for a little bit to get settled. Last fish in the tank should be your clown trigger.


Also, you can remove the fish from the main tank, and rearrange your rockwork so it's like they are all going into a brand new home. This will help with the territorial behavior.