I am adding 20 snails 10 crabs and 2 serpent starfish to a 1 year old 125gal tank. I have two clowns and two damsels,(been fine this whole time),,is this going to hurt my tank, and if so what would be the reason. Also if not what order do I add them after acclimation period,,,,one at a time??? I would be there for a WHILE uh???Plus why does this websight ONLY allow 79.00 worth of LIVE stuff in order to order if it can be devistating to you tank to add all kinds of stuff at once??? And why do they make it difficult to cancel an order and why dont they have a phone number to call???I had some fish ordered too and I am trying to cancel that order and just do the inverts right now,,,anyone ever canceled an order and been sucessfull???