adding inverts

Currently I have a mature 75 gallon tank with
-medium lion fish
-2 large clowns
-1 cleaner shrimp which so far lives great with the lion
-8 snails
-1 bristle worm (hitch hiker from a friend :(
-2 anemone
-1 large hermit
I want to put some cleaner inverts in there like clams or featherduster think thats what they are called
what would you guys recomend for keeping a featherduster like water parameters and do they filter out particles that are in the water like clams that cause nitrates?
I read the large post about clams but didnt see anything about featherdusters.
thanks in advance.
also if you have any other recomendations for my tank let me know ;)


Clams such as dersa,crocoas,maxima require high light and do filter but most likely u mean cleaner clams right? They filter well and dont require light. Feather dusters filter out particles but not nitrates just small particular matter. Anybody correct if im wrong
particles in the water cause nitrates dont they? so indirectly they help with nitrate levels on a super small scale? anway how do you take care of a feather duster and what not. what are they not compatible with?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The Feather Duster uses the radiole to filter out small floating organisms, which it directs toward its mouth, located at the center of the crown. It protects its segmented body by secreting a parchment-like tube to cover itself. When it is disturbed, it can quickly pull in its radiole into the tube. If it is severely stressed, it will discard its crown, growing it back later.
The Feather Duster is usually found in the coral rubble at the base of the reef aquarium, with some of the rubble being incorporated into its parchment-like tube. It needs to be housed in a well-established reef system as it is dependent upon plankton for its diet. It is very intolerant of copper-based medications.
they can live for years with out special feeding the only thing to ever go after my FD was my peperment shrimp


I've never added anything special for my dusters, although I use marine snow in my reef tanks. I assume they eat it also. On a side note, it's a safe bet that there are many more bristle worms that you have not spotted yet.
well thank you for the great responses!!! I guess I will not get a featherduster because i do not have a reef tank :)
any other suggustions?