adding live rock to a tank with fish already?


New Member
I am new at this... I have just started to add fish to my 125g tank. I have 80 lbs of live rock, and 100 lbs of live sand that have been there since the beginning (cycled with that and 8 damsels)... I like the way live rock looks and i know it is beneficial to the tank. But - my cycle is over, and I have tangs, clowns, etc. in the tank. It is bad if I go to my local fish store and get some live rock and just add it in the tank? Am I ok as long as it is cured already? I ultimately would like another 75-ish pounds in there. Can I add all at once, or what do I need to do? Thank you!


well like anything in this hobby, it depends
First you cant have it shipped or out of water for more than 3 hours
It has to be fully cured to begin with
And third you are risking an ammonia spike
Here is what i would do got the 30-40 lbs from you lfs first and buy a cheap skimmer and power head and put that stuff in a carbage can. Do that for 2-3 weeks than you can start to add it in small portions. I would do 10-15 lbs a week and do small water changes before and after
Repeat the procces till you have all the rock you want