adding live rock when?


New Member
Thanks all for your replies.
I am cycling my tank with fish and ls cycling is almost done, the question is I want to add live rock when the cycle completes can I do that and how much at a time?
I also want to add a cleanup crew, or reef package when and what can I add once the cyle finishes and of course all my reaadings are ok.


Active Member
Don't add the clean up crew yet, because chances are, when you add your LR after the cycle, you are going to have a mini cycle. I'm not sure what is recommended, but I wouldn't add any creatures until you have the majority of your LR in the tank. Add appr. 10-15 % of your rock a week. Or if you wanna go ahead and add it all right now, either suffer another cycle or like stated above, get fully cured rock. Don't order online, unless you are willing to suffer the cycle as well. When the LR gets shipped there is some die off and this will definatley jump start another cyle.