Adding live rock???


New Member
The cycle is almost complete in my 90 gal bowfront(hopefully) and I am thinking of adding some live rock. I currently have only decorative coral (not living) and the damsels I was cycling with. I recently switched from cc to dsb (southdown) and I am running a wet/dry and I will have a skimmer and uv when the cycle is done.
The question I have is what type of live rock should I add, how much should I get, and should I wait for the cycle to complete prior to adding it?
Please keep in mind, I am planning on a FOWLR not a reef...


Active Member
how much,is up to you, but the norm reccommended is 1 to 2 lbs per gallon, i like a bit over 1.5 personally, but it is up to you, and some is better than none, and more is even better yet, it will add to the decor, offers hiding for creatures, offers food and filtration
the types are also up to you, i like fiji, primarily because of price, but all are good, florida is aquacultured(they grow it instead of taking it from the ocean basically) and tonga and others offer different shapes, but the differences are primarily :p rice, shape density and the hitchhikers you get will vary, but they all offer bacteria and extra life
adding the lr now, may speed up the cycle, if you use well cured lr and buy locally, if mo'ed you will have some die off, but uncured or MO'ed, it may restart your cycle(definitely spike the ammonia), wwiith the die off, if you get it now, i would cure it seperatly to avoid it setting you back, you can lso add it after your cycle, if it is well cured, being as you have fish in there, i would actually only use well cured rock, because the ammonia spike from lr(uncured) may even kill the damsels which were able to survive the cycle
i actually used lr and ls to cycle our tank with